Category: The Master-Slave Movie Clip Series Romans 6:19

Movie 2: Unordered Steps

(Written to fellow followers of the Christ, Jesus)

The only thing worse than being directly connected to wicked activity, is thinking that you are not connected and you are. The Lord warns us about following traditions and things that appear to put us on a path of knowledge, or wisdom. God has to be our source or we will find ourselves intertwined in iniquity and we won’t be aware of it.  (Psalm 106:35)

When you come across someone who is willingly serving fallen spirits, we should remember that the Lord is still untying us from iniquities in our past. It may not seem as awful to us as willingly surrendering to fallen spirits, but there are lies that must be uncovered in prayer and guidance in each of our lives. (Phil 2: 12b)  If we remember that we were born with these kinds of ties, until the Lord delivered us, then we can have the love and affection that it takes to collectively pray for and witness to those who are sent in our paths. Our relationship with our Lord will lead us on how to respond as we are lead by the Spirit of God alone. (John 16:13)

When I made movie two of the ‘Master Slave series’, I was reflecting on someone who talked with Christians often and admired their freedom. He talked about Christian being so free, they were spoiled. They decide when they would obey their God. His family was tied to a long line of …demons, oaths, and defilement on all levels. You know the things we don’t really want to run into.  I felt like Alice in Wonderland, except someone pushed me down the hole, and I didn’t want to sip, eat, or touch anything. Although he admitted to having an undercurrent of great fear, he had a real respect for the supernatural beings. ( 1 John 4:18)  As a result he was more disciplined, and because of his discipline he was rewarded with things most Christians only dream about. Somehow, he saw himself as better than those who embraced the “full” evil in the family. He made rules that didn’t seem so wicked. He didn’t want to appear so different to the outside world, but the standard he set was still twisted. He saw it as “moving closer to something better”.  A mild example would be, instead of many wives, the men that he was in charge of, would have one wife and “only” two concubines.  A little leaven still leavens the whole lump. (1 Cor 5:6)

The Christians in this man’s life were looking at what he had and figured Jesus would be a hard sell.  (Rev 3:17)  He didn’t seem to need power and favor, so no one witnessed to him much. It’s hard to know what to say if you don’t focus on the future. Christians were just as short sighted as he was. In man’s time, and in this realm, he seemed to have it all. But the Lord tells us to be farsighted, have patients and look at His watch (Rev 3:10 & 2Cor 6:4). I was more concerned for the Christians who didn’t know what to say. A lesson from David, soothe the troubled spirit with music, hoping the words will penetrate the stony heart.

This man would have odd conversations about power and territory, with the men in his family. His father would assign him to do odd and foul things.  Women would fight over rank and power. No one spoke of falling in love, raising children, or a real good friendship. Things like that were missing from his story.

One day the man admitted to being in love, at least his version of being in love.  But instead of being excited, he was afraid.  He was doing everything he could not to anger the fallen spirits or give them a reason to use it against him. He began to communicate less with “Christian” friends. (When I say Christian friends, I’m talking about the people who say they are Christians if you ask them flat out, but they can live under the radar because it’s not intertwined in their life.  He didn’t speak to Christians he couldn’t play tug-of-war with.)  In his mind, he was protecting them.  He was being drawn to the cemetery to live amongst the tombs, away from love ones. (Mark 5:2-3)

The last straw for this man was thinking about how his children would live.  The fork in the road or the opportunity for a decision had been presented.

This man became a follower of Christ. A bold and powerful witness for Jesus Christ came to him with boldness and more power in his right eye than he had experience his whole life. You see the witness was possessed by love.  (Mark 12:33) The witnessed loved the man at first sight, just as God so loved the world that he gave his only son. The witness knew that the man was one of those “whosever’s”, and if he believed that the son of God was named Jesus and His sacrifice and blood would cleanse his defilement.  (John 3:16)  The witness was on a rescue mission. He was so farsighted; it was as if he was sent from the future. (Jude 1: 23)

This man gave his life to Jesus and lost everything, but while he was in the desert, he built a temple. God dwelt there.  He feared no evil, because of the protection and wisdom of God’s word.  (Jer 15:19-20)  He discovered the gift of the Lord that the fallen spirits couldn’t take away, given to him at birth.  (Romans 11: 29)  He used his gift and the gifts of the Spirit of God and the Lord rewarded his faithfulness and devotion.  Once again, he is responsible for people. He educates people, so that they do not mix righteousness with wickedness.  He is one of God’s beloved sons, and now the Lord is pleased with him.  The witness remained his mentor and brother of accountability.  (Oh yea, he’s rich again, in case someone was wondering.)

This man is who I build my story board from. It’s in the form of movie clips.  Because I know the whole story, it’s interesting to me.  I do them for fun only.  I made them a long time ago, so I tried to freshen them up a bit.  Please feel free to crack up, I do.

This man considered himself to be a master. I thought to myself, “You are the master of slaves, the ultimate slave to this world.” The title of the 21 clips series, became ‘the master salves’, (Romans 6:19).  So the character in most of the movie series is based off of “this man”.  In the clips, the man is named Master Sha-mahad Taskmaster. I focused on 4 fallen spirits that connected to his family. They influence the people in their area with their wealth and exciting ways.

I hope you glance through the clips until you get to the more recent clips. Better yet look at the more recent clips and maybe you’ll want to know what happened before. Either way, I will keep posting about the characters in the clips, because their testimonies changed my life.

Good material that goes well with this blog:

movie: The List (

   Movie:  Megiddo: The Omega Code 1 & 2 (TBN Production, GOODTIMES, Entertainment)

Documentary: Megiddo: The March to Armageddon (

Teaching:  The Return of the Ancient Spirits (

Kim s-j

Master Sha-Mahad TaskMaster

The Master Salve Series

(These notes are meant to go along with the little movie clips I like to make. They are characters based off of me and people who have shared their testimonies with me. No real names or likenesses of course. I hope the clips are entertaining and the scriptures help you apply God’s Word, to everyday life.)

MV2: Unordered Steps

Blog Title: The Wrong Pattern To Follow Psalms (51:5)

(Written to fellow followers of the Christ, Jesus)

It seems that most people, including myself, have spent too much time trying to find ourselves. What am I good at? What will make me happy? What will make me happier, longer?  Have I changed or have I changed my mind?

If you’re fortunate, you’ll see a pattern in your family that will give you some clue about yourself.  You feel even more secure, if the pattern goes back for generations. You would think anything that goes back generations or 100 plus years could be trusted as fact. But what if they were chasing money, in order to take care of the family, and never got around to what they were gifted at. You might see a pattern of good careers but depression from not being satisfied.

My grandmother was a nurse and so was my mother. So I took up nursing. I didn’t ask God. I was satisfied that I was following in part of the family footsteps. I am not a nurse (not a physical nurse anyway), and I suspect that the world missed out on two great business minds, in my grandmother and mother.

After wasting money and time, not to mention countless hours of aggravation, the devil took the opportunity that my situation presented. We should look at our family traits to understand and get clues about ourselves, but it shouldn’t over-ride the plan that God has for each of our individual lives.

We could take it a step further and apply it to our relationships.  Some people look at the relationships in their family’s past and think their relationships are doomed or their relationships will flourish. This is yet another opportunity for the enemy to come into our lives, during the confusion. We follow the plans we make, attach our feelings to whomever we want. Most people wait until something goes wrong to ask God for a plan or for help. Although this is the right reaction in times of trouble, we should take God’s advice about plans along with the importance of His gifts. Only the things we do in Christ last. Everything else must me revised or becomes obsolete.

We really have to take being born again literally. Our Lord says to come to him as a child.  God says He knows what plans He has for us (Jeremiah 29:11).  In Timothy 3:16, He says He is the one who instructs us by His word. We are to give our plans to God (Proverbs 3:5-6).

When a Christian realizes who they are in Christ, and is moved for what moves God, the power of God flows through the gifts He has given them.  Miracles happen, when we are not distracted from our real goal in life. When we pursue being supernatural with our skin color, career’s, and influence in life being our uniform for our mission.  Our commitment to Christ must be more real than our commitment to the world.

Without a close relationship with God we are just guessing.  I’ve spoken to people who aren’t sure if God is closing a door or if God is challenging them to break it down.   That’s hard to deal with when you read about God giving detail instructions for the ark. (Jer 6:16)

The lives of others, television shows, and seemingly more intellectual people will have more influence in our life and its direction than our Lord. It changes our desires and gives a low tolerance for the things of God. Christian music has to sound a certain way.  Christian movies are cornney. One more scripture and you’ll explode, looking forward to being rich, instead of looking forward to seeing your King of Kings. You can’t stand the taste of water. You get the point.

I suffered from everything I have written, at some point in time.  I was studying the Bible, some time ago, and I got frustrated because things were not adding up or building the way I thought they would. I was “confused”. In frustration I said, “Lord I don’t get it. Never mind everything I’ve studied. You teach me. This is too important for me to screw up.” The Lord spoke into my spirit, “Welcome to kindergarten. Lesson one, become teachable”.


Kim S-J

Psalms 25:4 / Psalms 27:11 /Psalm 119:105 / Jonah 2:7 / 2Timothy 3:16

Godtube chanel: Kimchi1- movie #2

(These notes are meant to go along with the little movie clips I like to make. They are characters based off of me and people who have shared their testimonies with me. No real names or likenesses of course. I hope the clips are entertaining and the scriptures help you apply God’s Word, to everyday life.)

Movie 1: Nan’s Misery –Romans 8:3…God declared an end to sin and its control over us… (God-tube- Kimchi1)

Nan MV1

Nan's Misery MV1

Blog Title: The Way I See It (Written to fellow believers in Jesus the Christ)

I’ve heard people refer to a neon sign on their forehead. A sign that attracts the wrong type of people to them and announcing their vulnerability. I don’t know if everyone has felt this way but some of us have, at times. And then there is the behavior you seem doomed to repeat (Romans 8:14-15)… You feel as if you spent most of your life trying to unlearn or reprogram yourself. I have discovered, by offering my life to God and counseling others, that there is nothing new under the sun (Ecc. 1:9). There are patterns of behavior and choices we make that land us in the same situations, attracted to the same type of people, eating the same type of food, and making the same excuses.

The trouble is the way we see things (ways). Perspective is how you believe what you’re doing will affect your life or how you understand it. You can almost tell what a person is thinking by the way they carry themselves and the comments they make (Matt 15:11 & Hebrew 4:16). Thus the neon sign that seems to appear on their forehead or our own. The word of God tells us that the battle is in the mind. It also says we should take on the mind of Christ Jesus (1Corinthians 2:16). I think this is a good idea sense he was able to defeat his own temptations from the devil himself. Having Jesus’s perspective is a must. Going by your own opinion or someone else’s is like pink being the new blue. Who can keep up?

You calibrate your thoughts to Christ’s thoughts by opening your mouth. (Matt 12:34) says that you capture a thought by opening up your mouth. It’s very important to make declarations about who you are, what you believe. Words of declaration are all through the Bible. Listening to Christ centered music is nice but singing along is like putting declarations to music. If your shy, at least recite the lyrics. The word of God suggests that we meditate on the word of God, in the morning and at night (Psalm 1:2 and Proverbs 23:7). When you start doing that, it’s almost like your repenting for going off track, in the evening. Soon you’ll find you didn’t get off track, and you’ve actually gone further, when you’re faithful to it. I know people say you can say a quick prayer and read your Bible five minutes a day, but if you’re not in a foxhole with bullets flying….that’s not a mark to be comfortable at. (It took me a while to find a nice way to put that.)

“I’m too busy to read my Bible and pray let alone do it for over ten minutes.” If your spouse says, “I’m too busy to spend time with you, let alone talk to you over ten minutes.” You know something has to be fixed so that the relationship can be cultivated. You would even be concerned that he/or she would be spending so much time with others that they would become an alien to you and turn their affections elsewhere. God feels the same way. (Exodus 20:5)
This is the point where you do a heart check. God knows you may not have come to Him totally devoted and attached to Him. That’s why He puts so much emphasis on giving you a new heart, (Ezekiel 36:26). In order to keep from rejecting this heart transplant you have to make declarations, take on the mind of Christ Jesus (by reading His words Psalm 119:39). Everlasting life is great but you can still be God’s people and lack peace, strength and vision because you have had your abundance in life stolen,( Hosea 4:6 & John 10:10). All it takes is one neon sign on your forehead to attract fallen spirits beings that can smell fear and search out your weak parts, (1Peter 5:8). God has given us examples of our heart and emotions so that we would understand His. We serve a living, and passionate God, (Deuteronomy 32:20-21). He’ll have no other god before him.

These days I’ve traded my neon sign, for the amour of God (Ephesians6:11-18). If my neon sign pops up from time to time, I’m covered. Before the devil can whisper something in my ear, the declaration of who I am to Jesus comes to my mind and out my mouth. Or a song rises up in me. Today, it’s Michael W. Smith’s cd, ‘A new Hallelujah’ (Shout unto God)…The enemy has been defeated and death couldn’t hold you, (Jesus Christ) down.

Some good books on this topic are: The Battlefield of the mind (devotional) by Joyce Meyer :  Matters of the Heart (devotional) by Juanita Bynum

Hebrews 13:5-6…”I will never fail you. I will never abandon you. So we can say with confidence, The Lord is my helper, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?”

Kimya S-J

(These notes are meant to go along with the little movie clips I like to make. They are characters based off of me and people who have shared their testimonies with me. No real names or likenesses of course. I hope the clips are entertaining and the scriptures help you apply God’s Word, to everyday life.) God-tube Channel: Kimchi1