You’re dropped into a colorful, fantastic forest where you meet unforgettable characters. The language of this book is so energetic that I felt like there was some place that I needed to go…and I needed a horse.

The waters of Elyon, the lakes were transforming and sustaining waters. A few days without the life giving water and a change would come over you. I fell in love with the green waters of Elyon. I felt as if I could scoop a palm full of the waters from the pages of the book, the language was so vivid. The importance of the waters are further emphasized when you learn of the consequences for not bathing in the waters. A painful disease arises on the skin and begins to affect the mind. “The first sign of pain crept into Johnis’s bones when the sun was halfway down the western sky. He pulled up and flexed his fingers, surprised by how suddenly the stiffness had set in.”

You really can’t imagine the twist and turns of each episode. I read to figure out what would happen next. I read to figure out what I wanted to do next. There was beauty to be seen in the strangest places. I chose an enemy and at one point I saddled a horse and rode with the four chosen in this book. Right about that point, I began to pull a meaning from this book that would deepen my purpose in life. I was ‘Chosen’. Chosen to lead, to die, to follow clues and hold on to the mysteries. Why? Because Teeleh is watching and waiting for an opportunity to control the destiny of the world, and waiting to control our destiny by rewriting what ‘is written’.

I enjoyed this book. I can’t do it justice in this humble review, but I want to do my part. People should know about this book because it begins a journey into your soul. You can discuss this book with a variety of age groups and there are statements that will stay with you for a long time. Chosen is more than positive and encouraging. If you dive deep enough…its life changing.

–Kim S-J